Friday, April 6, 2012

We have been enjoying our time here in Utah.  We went into town Tuesday and visited the new International Art Exhibit at the Church History Museum.  They wanted visitors to vote on their favorites, but we couldn't decide.  There were entrys from everywhere and in every medium.  Some very lovely bronzes and quilts!  We also got to go to the Salt Lake Temple.  I had forgotten how lovely it is. 
The new City Creek Mall is spectacular!  Lots and lots of stores and a great food court.  I about wore out my shoes walking around. 
Wednesday was the nicest day this week.  We went out to Antelope Island again.  The first picture was early in the morning, the lake was calm, and the grebes were in formation on the flat warer. We had been there in February but that is a quiet time of year.  It was also too chilly to wander around much. 
We were still too early in the spring for the main bird migrations, but we did see at least 15 idenifiable bird species, bison, antelope, a coyote, deer, and jackrabbits.  The ones I really liked were the American Avocets and the Great Horned Owl.  The female owl was on her nest, and the male was in a nearby tree.  They are watched over and protected by the park rangers in the area since they are an endangered species.  We had a great time.

Eared Grebe Flotilla

Great Blue Heron

Northern Shovelers

Stampede? Not!--just coming in for the night

Male Great Horned Owl

American Avocet
 This morning (4/6/12) we woke to snow, but it is supposed to clear and get warm by Easter, and be nice next week.

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